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龙华两馆:深圳美术馆新馆和深圳市图书馆国际招标公告‘大阳城官网’发布日期:2024-06-28 浏览次数:
本文摘要:“龙华两馆”深圳美术馆新馆和深圳市图书馆调剂书库建筑设计国际招标公告Notice for the International Tender for the Architectural Design of “Longhua Art Museum + Library” - New Shenzhen Art Museum and the Pooling Stack of Shenzhen Library1项目解释 Project Description1.1 项目名称:深圳美术馆新馆和深圳市图书馆调剂书库,以下全称“龙华两馆”Project Name: New Shenzhen Art Museum and the Pooling Stack of Shenzhen Library, following is short as Longhua Art Museum + Library1.2 招标人:深圳美术馆、深圳图书馆Clients: Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen Library1.3招标平台:深圳市建设工程交易服务中心Tender Platform: Shenzhen Construction Trade and Service Center1.4 项目概况 Project Overview:“龙华两馆”坐落于深圳市龙华新区腾龙路与中梅路交汇处,邻近地铁龙华线(4号线)红山车站,占地面积39804.03 m2,计容积率建筑面积54929 m2,其中深圳美术馆新馆27656m2,项目投资估计为39819.99万元,深圳市图书馆调剂书库27273 m2,项目投资估计为29781.92万元。

“龙华两馆”深圳美术馆新馆和深圳市图书馆调剂书库建筑设计国际招标公告Notice for the International Tender for the Architectural Design of “Longhua Art Museum + Library” - New Shenzhen Art Museum and the Pooling Stack of Shenzhen Library1项目解释 Project Description1.1 项目名称:深圳美术馆新馆和深圳市图书馆调剂书库,以下全称“龙华两馆”Project Name: New Shenzhen Art Museum and the Pooling Stack of Shenzhen Library, following is short as Longhua Art Museum + Library1.2 招标人:深圳美术馆、深圳图书馆Clients: Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen Library1.3招标平台:深圳市建设工程交易服务中心Tender Platform: Shenzhen Construction Trade and Service Center1.4 项目概况 Project Overview:“龙华两馆”坐落于深圳市龙华新区腾龙路与中梅路交汇处,邻近地铁龙华线(4号线)红山车站,占地面积39804.03 m2,计容积率建筑面积54929 m2,其中深圳美术馆新馆27656m2,项目投资估计为39819.99万元,深圳市图书馆调剂书库27273 m2,项目投资估计为29781.92万元。The project is located in the interchange of Tenglong Road and Zhongmei Road and in the neighborhood of Hongshan Station of Metro Longhua Line (Line 4), Longhua District, Shenzhen. Its land area is 39,804.07 m2 and floor area 54,929 m2, of which New Shenzhen Art Gallery takes a construction area of 27,656 m2 with an investment of RMB398, 199,900, and the Pooling Stack of Shenzhen Library takes 27,273 m2 with an investment of RMB297,819,200.1.5 招标范围 Tender Scope:本次招标将确认“龙华两馆”建筑方案设计,由最后中标设计机构已完成建筑方案设计、初步设计(不含概算编成)、景观设计、室内设计、施工图设计、BIM应用于、完工图编成、施工阶段因应及本项目城市设计优化建议等。

中标机构在设计合约中不应具体施工因应阶段总负责人和各专业负责人,确保方案设计的延续性,且先前工作高效、快捷。The tender will decide the architectural design scheme for Longhua Art Museum + Library. And the bid winner will complete the architectural design, preliminary design including budget estimate, landscape design, interior design, construction design, BIM technology application, as- built drawings, coordination during the construction phase, optimization for the urban design and etc. And he should clearly illustrate the general leader and leaders of each field for the construction coordination phase in the design contract, so as to ensure the continuity of the design and efficiency.2 招标规则 Tender Rules本次招标工作分成两个阶段展开:第一阶段为公开发表甄选及资格预审阶段;第二阶段为设计竞标阶段。The tender will be undertaken by two stages: Stage I Application and Qualification Review, Stage II Scheme Review. 2.1 第一阶段---甄选及资格预审Stage I Application and Qualification Review2.1.1 招标方式及报名条件 Tender Mode and Sign-up Requirements本次招标使用国际公开发表甄选的方式,境内外具备涉及设计经验的独立国家登记的设计机构均可甄选参与。在甄选阶段不另设资质容许。

不拒绝接受个人及个人人组的甄选。It will be an open tender and those independent registered companies who have relevant design experiences can register for it. There won’t be any qualification requirements during the application. No individual application or individual combination is accepted.2.1.2 甄选的设计单位根据资格预审文件拒绝递交商务标书及概念议案。

(参见附件)The applicants should submit the commercial bid and concept proposal accordingly.2.1.3 资格预审 Qualification Review招标人将依法重新组建资格预审委员会,由资格预审委员会对甄选单位的公司资格、业绩、设计联合体包含、概念议案等资料展开评审,票选出有8家获奖的投标人转入第二阶段的设计竞标阶段,同时投票决定2家最合适投标人。如获奖的投标人解散,则由最合适投标人依序上场。

The clients will legally make up a qualification review jury and the jury will review on the company qualifications, achievements, the composition of the joint design group and concept proposal, and select 8 finalists into Stage II and 2 alternatives in order who will enter by order if any of the 8 finalists quit. 2.1.4 为建构建筑精品,确保方案设计的实行性及延续性,8家获奖单位及2家最合适投标单位,如无国内建筑工程设计甲级资质,需自行融合施工图设计单位构成联合体,并按拒绝递交涉及资料,招标人将再度重新组建资格预审委员会回应审查并确认。In order to guarantee the design quality and the construction and continuity of the design, the 8 finalists and 2 alternatives must combine with a construction design company and submit the required materials if there isn’t China’s Class A Architectural Design Certificate. And the client will organize another qualification review jury for that.2.2 第二阶段-设计竞标阶段 Stage II Scheme Review2.2.1 8家获奖投标人递交合乎招标设计任务书拒绝的成果文件,由方案评审委员会使用记名投票法展开评审,投票决定不排序的前三名。

The 8 finalists will submit the deliverables in line with the design brief. And the scheme review jury will review on them by open vote and select the top 3 bidders without order.2.2.2 方案评审委员会引荐前三名投标人转入定标程序,并对这三名投标人的方案明确提出优化意见。The scheme review jury will recommend the top 3 bidders as candidates for the bid winner and provide optimization suggestion.2.3 定标 Bid Deciding Meeting2.3.1 招标人依法重新组建定标委员会,使用票要求标法展开票选,确认一名中标候选人。中标候选人将取得本项目的设计合约。

The clients will make up the bid deciding jury and decide the bid winner by rounds of votes. And the bid winner will get the design contract.3招标日程安排 Tender Schedule4设计补偿费 Compensations本次招标前三名将分别取得奖金80万元人民币。最后中标投标人另外取得人民币300万元先前因应费用;除前3名以外,其余5名将分别取得60万元人民币成本费。成本费为税前费用,投标人不应获取中国境内的完税发票。

The top 3 bidders will each get a bonus of RMB800, 000. And the bid winner will get an extra fee of RMB 3,000,000 for the following coordination. The other 5 finalists will each get a compensation of RMB600, 000. The fees include tax and the bidders shall provide duty-paid invoices within China.5设计费 Design Fees本次招标的招标人将根据国家有关收费标准必要与中标设计联合体谈判并签定设计合约。设计取费依照深圳市发展和改革委员会国家发改委的此部分概算金额下浮10%确认(含300万元先前因应费用)。

招标人缴纳的费用皆含税,投标单位不应获取中国境内完税发票。The client will negotiate the contract with the bid winner in accordance with related national charge standards. The design fee will be charged in accordance with the amount approved by Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission with 10% fall (excluding RMB3, 000,000 for the following coordination). All the fees mentioned include tax and bidders shall provide China’s duty-paid invoices.6资料索要 Inquiry of Information涉及附件资料页面附件iTunes:Please refer to this website for detailed information: 7联系方式 Contacts讨 标 人:深圳美术馆、深圳图书馆 Clients: Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen Library 联成 系由 人:黎晓阳 杨雄标 Persons for contact: Li Xiaoyang Yang Xiongbiao 联系电话/Tel:0755-25010154 0755-82841034 招标代理:深圳市建星项目管理顾问有限公司Tender Agency: Shenzhen Jianxing Project Management & Consulting Limited联成 系由 人:文晓峰Person for contact: Wen Xiaofeng 联系电话/Tel:0755-83780211 0755-83469978咨询顾问:深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司Consultant: Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center联成 系由 人:温丽萍Person for contact: Daisy联系电话Tel:86-13760133656邮箱。


